Friday, 14 October 2016

Keep Calm And Love Your Skin

Apart from heredity, there are other factors like your daily activity, hot environments or hormonal change that can make worse oily skin. Latinas are also more at risk to hyper-pigmentation that give rise to unwanted brown spots when you spend too much time in sun. Oils produced by the body help keep skin healthy, but too of it can lead to blemishes and acne. 

If you have a troublesome oily skin, follow these tips to maintain and keep it healthy.

Wash your face twice a day, and especially before going to bed. If you more often wash your skin it will swipe off all the natural moisturisers and increase oil production.  The only time you should wash your face more than twice a day is if you have been covered with sweat.

Use a gentle cleanser. If you need something stronger, look for the best cleansers for oily skin specifically made for oily skin and acne.

  • If you are using a toner, use it only on areas that are oily. On other areas toners can create dry patches.

  • If you have oil builds on face, use a medicated pad to remove excess oil. You can keep these things with you and it can freshen up your face no matter where you are.

  • Keep your oily skin moisturised, but use the moisturiser carefully and the right one. Pick water based or oil free moisturisers and keep distance from creams and heavy moisturisers.

  • When picking foundation and other make-up, it is recommended to use those with gel or powder base. Liquid make-up should be water based, not oil based.

  • Ex foliate once a week to help remove dirt and oil in your pores. Do not pick or squeeze pimples as it can cause scarring and leave red spots on your face.

Always remember one golden rule, that beautiful skin requires commitment not any miracle. If you show enough dedication, you can get that flawless skin that you have always dreamed of.

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